Francine - ترجمة إلى فرنسي
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Francine - ترجمة إلى فرنسي

Francine (disambiguation)

Francine, female first name


This is a disambiguation page for the common name Francine.

Francine is a female given name. The name is of French origin. The name Francine was most popular in France itself during the 1940s (Besnard & Desplanques 2003), and was well used in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s (Evans 2006). Short forms are Frannie, Frans and Fran.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. the dock. Which incidentally, Francine, Cousteau's widow,
Jacques Cousteau _ Brad Matsen _ Talks at Google
2. My name is Francine, and I finally had a big family.
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
3. where I was working in the lab of Dr. Francine Benes,
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Jusqu‘ŕ confier leur difficulté ŕ imaginer travailler avec Francine Evéquoz.
2. Francine Delacrétaz allait avoir 40 ans en novembre prochain.
3. Francine Delacrétaz enseignait au Coll';ge de Béthusy ŕ Lausanne.
4. José Bové, la Verte Francine Bavay et le socialiste Marc Dolez en font aussi partie.
5. L‘hypoth';se le laisse de marbre. «Francine a fait du bon travail ŕ Berne.